Reiki Courses

Nicole Whitehead is a Usui Tibetan Reiki Master and Psychic Medium.

Reiki I Course

Reiki I class is 4-5 hours long and is held in person or over Zoom. Classes are held around your schedule. The fee for this class is $100. This includes books and all class material. a $50 deposit is required to book your class. Any deposits or payments made are non-refundable and can be applied toward a future class. All of my classes include Intuitive Development and Empath Protection. I practice Shamanic Reiki and teach my students that approach IF they are open. As a Reiki Master, I am available after classes to help answer any questions.

We will cover the following:

  • The History of Reiki
  • Chakras
  • Gassho Meditations
  • Kenyoku Cleansing Your Energy
  • Byosen Scanning
  • How to incorporate Reiki into Your Daily Life
  • Level I Attunement- In-Person Only
  • Certification of Completion for Level I 

Reiki II Course

Reiki II is a continuation of Reiki I that includes 4 symbols during your attunement, including distance Reiki. I offer this class in combination with Reiki I as a weekend course if it’s preferred. As a stand-alone course, it is 6 hours long and is held in person or over Zoom. The fee for this class is $120. if purchased with Reiki I, the price for both is $175. This includes books and all class material. a $50 deposit is required to book your class. Any deposits or payments made are non-refundable and can be applied toward a future class. All of my classes include Intuitive Development and Empath Protection. As a Reiki Master, I am available after classes to help answer any questions.

We will cover the following:

  • Reiki II attunements
  • Reiki Hand positions for treating yourself and others
  • Reiki II symbols and how to use them
  • Using Reiki for specific conditions & situations
  • How to heal unwanted habits
  • Distant healing, and scanning 
  • Certificate of completion for Reiki II

ART (Advanced Reiki Training)

Advanced Reiki Training (ART) is offered to those who have completed Level II Reiki class. This is an intensive 6-8 hour class. After the ART class completion, you will receive an ART certificate and will be ready to take the Master class if you decide you would like to attune and teach others or to use the knowledge and attunement you receive to practice Reiki at the advanced level. The cost for this class is $150. This includes books and all class material. a $50 deposit is required to book your class. Any deposits or payments made are non-refundable and can be applied toward a future class. As a Reiki Master, I am available after classes to help answer any questions.

We will cover the following:

  • The Usui Master symbol and attunement, and how to use it to give Reiki treatments.
  • Instructions for and practice of a Reiki meditation that strengthens the mind, expands consciousness and increases the strength of one’s Reiki energy. This meditation can also be used to solve problems and achieve goals.
  • How to use crystals and stones to send distant Reiki continuously and automatically.
  • How to create a Reiki grid that will continuously send healing to many people, places, events, and goals.
  • Reiki Aura Clearing which will allow you to quickly remove negative energy from yourself and others and send it up to be healed.
  • A Reiki Moving Meditation is explained that helps one become more grounded, centered, and energized.

Reiki Master Course

Master training is offered to those who have completed the ART level. This is an intensive 8-12 hour class that can be taken over two days. Once you have completed your Master’s training, you will receive a Master’s certificate and will be a Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master certified to practice and teach all four levels of Usui Reiki. The cost for this class is $235. This includes books and all class material. A $50 deposit is required to book your class. Any deposits or payments made are non-refundable. As a Reiki Master, I am available after classes to help answer any questions.

We will cover the following:

  • The complete Reiki Tibetan Master attunement
  • Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I&II and ART and full Reiki Master
  • The Reiki Healing attunement
  • You will have time to practice attunements and receive teaching suggestions and guides
  • Advanced Reiki meditation that harmonizes the energy of the chakras
  • Discussion of the spiritual path of a Reiki Master and how to incorporate the changes into daily life

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